Projekt Eurostronomia, Eramsus+, dobil oznako European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH)

Pri projektu Eurostronomia smo se prijavili na razpis za pridobitev naziva EYCH, saj pri svojih dejavnostih poleg razvijanja STEM veščin spodbujamo tudi umetniško in kulturno ozaveščenost pri udeležencih v projektu. Poleti smo dobili obvestilo, da je projekt dobil oznako EYCH.

Slogan: »Our heritage: where the past meets the future«



We have read the ‘Eurostronomia’ initiative with interest and we are pleased to inform you that it fulfils the award criteria of the EYCH label. The ground for our decision is that the initiative can contribute to the achievement of one or more of the objectives of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, as endorsed by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU in Article 2 of the legal decision calling for the EYCH.


Alenka Battelino, koordinatorka projekta

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