V sredini novembra je v Vrtcu Dobrega pastirja gostovala dijakinja Lilith iz Nemčije, iz mesta Kirchberg, blizu Leipziga.
V okviru pridobivanja certifikata za angleški jezik je Lilith v našem zavodu opravljala tedensko prakso. Skupina Kekec našega Vrtca Dobrega pastirja jo je prijazno sprejela medse, kjer sta ji vzgojiteljici Katja in Tina predstavili svoj poklic. Lilith je z otroki navezovala stik predvsem v nebesedni komunikaciji, kljub temu pa je v zaključku tedna ugotovila, da so otroci razumeli tudi marsikatero besedo v angleškem jeziku, ki jo je uporabila.
Svojo izkušnjo je opisala takole:
My time in Slovenia
My name is Lilith Vogel and I am a 17-year old student from Germany. In the week of November 14 to November 18 I have interned at the Good Shepherd’s Kindergarten in order to get my CertiLingua, a special language certificate. I had never travelled alone before, which is why a 15 hour bus ride was quite the challenge.
After I managed to arrive in Ljubljana I settled in to my host family’s home. I spent the week in the “Kekec” group of the kindergarten and was able to get to know some of the lovely children there as well as the kind kindergartenteachers. Talking to preschoolers was definitely a challenge since most of them are just starting to learn English. Nevertheless we had a great time together playing and reading books (in Slovenian!).
The afternoons I spent at school functions like the “Academy” and mostly with my lovely host family. We even got to some sight seeing and I got to see the beautiful countryside of Slovenia. Even though I was promised it looked better in sunshine, I enjoyed visiting Bled castle and Ljubljana very much.
I am grateful for the people I have met on my way and the new experiences I had at the kindergarden and while visiting some lessons in the secondary school. In the future, I will definitely revisit Slovenia and the people I have met there.
Veseli smo, da je bila med nami.
Patricija Štefan, IREŠ
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