Natečaj za logo za Erasmus+ projekt Futur€nvironment

Decembra 2020 smo začeli z novim Erasmus+ projektom z naslovom Futur€nvironment. Glavna tema so majhni koraki, ki jih lahko naredimo za ohranjanje našega planeta. Ključne besede so trajnostni razvoj, biotska raznovrstnost, recikliranje, ostanki hrane, pretirana poraba.

Vabimo vas, da oblikujete logo, ki bo predstavljal temo projekta in vseboval podatke o sodelujočih državah, naslov in čas trajanja projekta (2020–2022).

Svoje izdelke pošljite na [email protected] do 22. 1. 2021. Na tem naslovu sem vam na voljo tudi za možna vprašanja.

Več o natečaju in projektu si lahko preberete spodaj.





We have a new Erasmus+ project which runs from December 2020 until December 2022. The themes of the project are the environment and sustainability and what we can do to project the natural world and to encourage sustainability. We will look at land, forests and sea, recycling and upcycling, food waste, transport and housing.

Your brief is to design an eye-catching logo to represent our new Erasmus+ project. Before you start, think about what makes a strong logo. You should consider design, colour and the message you wish to convey. The logo will be used on our project materials and needs to be of a striking design which makes an impact. You should consider a limited colour range for more visual impact, flat shapes without tone so that the logo can be reproduced digitally.

There are schools from six countries in this project: Belgium, France, Germany, North Macedonia, Scotland and Slovenia. Over the next two years, you will have the opportunity to work with our friends from these schools and for some of you to meet and work together in France, Germany and Slovenia as well as in Scotland.

The school websites are:


Alenka Battelino, koordinatorka projekta

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